Savings and convenience from your plan’s pharmacy network2025
Blue MedicareRx (PDP) has more than 60,000 pharmacies in our nationwide network, including national chains, independent pharmacies, long-term care pharmacies, home-infusion pharmacies and Indian Health/Tribal pharmacies. Try our easy-to-use Pharmacy Locator to find a network pharmacy near you.
You must use a network pharmacy to access your prescription drug benefits, except under special circumstances, such as a medical emergency. Prescriptions filled at non-network pharmacies may cost more than when the same drugs are filled through a network pharmacy.

Preferred Pharmacies
Preferred Pharmacies

More than 20,000 pharmacy locations in our nationwide network offer preferred cost-sharing savings for Blue MedicareRx members. This means your out-of-pocket costs on prescriptions will be lower at these pharmacies than at standard cost-sharing pharmacies.
Locate the closest preferred cost-sharing pharmacy
Mail Service
Mail Service

With Blue MedicareRx (PDP), you can take advantage of the convenience of CVS Caremark Mail Service Pharmacy and have your drugs delivered directly to your door at any location in the U.S. You can save over 66% on Tier 1 drugs, and a 90-day supply of Tier 2 and 3 drugs will cost less than filling them at a retail pharmacy. Standard shipping is free. 1 1
Learn more about Mail Service delivery and savings
Out-of-network coverage

Blue MedicareRx network pharmacies are available nationwide. However, we understand that you may need to use a pharmacy outside our network in extenuating circumstances, such as a medical emergency, need for a 24-hour pharmacy or immediate need for an out-of-stock medication. In these cases, the plan may cover your drug, but you may pay more than you would have paid at a network pharmacy.
If you use an out-of-network pharmacy, you will need to pay the full cost of your prescription and then request reimbursement. To request reimbursement, submit a Prescription Claim Form, along with the receipt for your covered drug. If reimbursement is approved, we will send a payment to you within 30 days after your request is approved.
To request a printed copy of our pharmacy directory call us, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact Us
1 Percent savings based on copays on Tier 1 drugs obtained through CVS Caremark Mail Service Pharmacy vs. copays on Tier 1 drugs obtained through a Blue MedicareRx Preferred Network Pharmacy. Call Customer Care for specific pricing of your medications. Typically, you should expect to receive your prescription within 10 calendar days from the time the mail service pharmacy receives your order. Back
1 Percent savings based on copays on Tier 1 drugs obtained through CVS Caremark Mail Service Pharmacy vs. copays on Tier 1 drugs obtained through a Blue MedicareRx Preferred Network Pharmacy. Call Customer Care for specific pricing of your medications. Typically, you should expect to receive your prescription within 10 calendar days from the time the mail service pharmacy receives your order. Back